Reservation Blues
Chapter 9 is narrated in reverse chronological order, beginning a week after Coyote Springs returns to the reservation. On that day, Junior steals a rifle, climbs the water tower, and kills himself.
Because of threats against them, the members of the band have been instructed to stay in Thomas’s house. The night before Junior’s suicide, Checkers sneaks out of the house and goes to the Catholic church. There, Father Arnold tells her that he will be leaving the reservation and the church. Checkers has shaken his faith and made him question if he should remain a priest.
The narrative flashes back to the plane ride from New York. On the plane, Chess tells Checkers that she and Thomas are going to return to Arlee, a city on the Flathead reservation, and that Checkers should come with them. Junior thinks of Lynn and of the child they didn’t have. Victor cries, mourning the loss of guitar, which he smashed and left in the studio.
The day before Checkers goes to the Catholic Church. Victor dreams of his guitar. It promises that he can have whatever he wants in return for giving up what he loves the most.