Reaching Out
Frank enjoys his History of Western Civilization class but struggles in his English and Spanish classes. He does poorly on his first English essay—an analysis of a piece by Virginia Woolf—as well as his first Spanish composition. The poor grades depress Frank and cause him physical and emotional pain. As a therapeutic exercise, Frank jots down recollections of his childhood. A few days later, Frank is relieved to receive a “B” grade on an English composition. He goes to the Mission Church to pray and feels a spiritual peace. “I felt a heavy burden lift from my shoulders” (47).
Like all male students at the university, Frank must participate in a two-year military program, which involves wearing a green uniform, performing marching drills, and attending lectures on military history and map reading. He enjoys the latter, and finds that the program helps him overcome the fear of green uniforms he has had ever since la migra (border patrol guards) deported his family. Frank’s participation in the ROTC program pleases his father. “I am proud of you, mijo. You can make something of yourself in the army when you’re poor” (51).