Razorblade Tears
Ike is one of the novel’s two protagonists, and much of the story unfolds from his perspective. Ike’s life has been divided into two portions: the time he spent at “Riot Randolph,” which includes his stint in prison, and his time as a respectable businessman who has served his time.
Ike is a complicated, nuanced character. He achieves vengeance, but does not glamorize or fetishize violence. He has a strong sense of injustice and a hatred for racism. However, he is also intolerant towards gay people. When the novel begins, he doesn’t see how he is just as intolerant as those who have been racist toward him.
Ike understands that violence is an innate part of his life. When Buddy Lee approaches him about looking into their sons’ murderers, Ike thinks that if he spills blood, he won’t stop. Despite the novel’s brutality, Ike’s character arc is hopeful. At the end, he apologizes to Isiah and accepts him. He redeems himself by vowing to love his granddaughter in the way that he didn’t love his son.
Like Ike, Buddy Lee begins the novel with anti-gay bias and intolerance. By the end of the novel, he accepts his son Derek for being gay.