On the Come Up
One morning, the Jacksons’ landlord bursts in, demanding the rent money that she is owed. Once she leaves, the Jacksons discuss what to do. Jay is determined not to sell their father’s chain, but Bri starts to wonder if her family might end up homeless, and “the word fills the room, like a foul odor” (209). At school, Sonny tells Bri that his online boyfriend wants to meet up, and he is nervous because “part [of him] feels like this shit is too good to be true” (214). Bri decides to make peace with Malik, but they are interrupted by Curtis telling Bri that a popular gossip blog published her song. Bri’s song is going viral, and she knows that Supreme must have “kept his word” (218) to launch her career. She is overwhelmed and ecstatic, but Malik, unhappy with what Bri says about guns and gangs in the song, excuses himself. Curtis, however, is congratulatory and tells Bri that people will think those things about her anyway, and “if [she] can get something from this, forget the nonsense and go for it” (219-220). The two are flirtatious, and as her song continues to spread, Bri realizes that “all this stuff [she’s] dreamed of could actually happen” (222).