A Chance in the World
As a child searching the library archives for information about Kenny Pemberton, Steve identifies with the whaler statue. The man in the statue is hunting whales, staring at the horizon. The plaque on the statue says, “A Dead Whale or a Stove Boat” (62). Steve has the spirit of an explorer who is willing to face danger on behalf of a necessary quest.
The plaque presents an unequivocal ultimatum. Either the whaler will succeed or he will be killed. Nevertheless, he continues to search for the whales, even though it might cost him his life. Similarly, even though Steve might uncover unsavory details about his family of origin during his quest, he refuses to give up. He has already experienced tragedy and is capable of moving forward no matter what he discovers.
When Steve leaves the Robinson house, he tells Betty that God will take care of her—meaning that God will punish them for mistreating him and others. As Steve’s faith evolves as an adult, he starts to view the words from a different perspective. Although he doesn’t know why she calls him from the hospital, Steve knows that she is suffering and she is vulnerable.